French Roast

The most popular of our French Roasts, which is at the midpoint of our dark roast range.  Made with Mexican Chiapas, which is light bodied with good acidity. Darker roasting adds a bittersweet spiciness. Smooth enough to be enjoyed as a continental cup, brewed conventionally, but also excellent brewed for espresso. Tasting Notes:  Caramelized sugar, citrus, dark chocolate, clove

  • Certification:  Organic, Fair Trade, Kosher
  • Co-op:  Productores de café de Motozintla (PROCAFEM)
  • Region:  Chiapas
  • Process:  Washed Process. Sun Dried.
  • Elevation:  1,300 meters

Bulk Purchases: Grinding: $.15/lb., Packaging into 1 lb. bags: $.60/lb.
Retail Purchases: Includes grinding and packaging

From: $13.10

Please indicate how you’d like us to grind your order.

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Productores de café de Motozintla (PROCAFEM) is an organization formed by small producers located in different communities such as Siltepec, Bella Vista, Escuintla and Motozintla in the state of Chiapas. It was created with 20 partners in 10 communities. Now they have 338 partners in the entire region. They belong to the Maya-Quiché group, mainly dedicated to farm and work in coffee plantations of the Soconusco zone.

Productive Investment
Through the Fair Trade Premiums, Procafem has provided overall economic and social benefits to its members, such as road improvements and practical methods for establishing a greater variety of crops. In addition, it has focused on developing and improving sustainable farming practices, including training and technical assistance for partners, and seeking expanded international markets for its Fair Trade coffee.